
Project Basket News

My first major work putting together all I've learned so far to manipulate APIs and create a convenient Basketball statistics and news application.

Project FoodPal

My third major work utilising the MERN stack. An under-develpment SPA using React aimed at reducing food wastage and tracking food expirations.

Project Geoverse

First major full stack application incorporating front and back-end functionality to create a modernised 'Geo-cities' in homage to the 90s phenomena. Future development is planned to increase the site functionality and polish it for use as a stand in social-media substitute.

Weather dashboard online application

Weather Dashboard project

First major use of APIs in my work. Accesses a weather dashboard to retrieve forecasted data on user searched cities. Compatible with both imperial and metric unit regions.

Day planning application

Day Planner project

A 9 to 5 day planner to store daily events across the day. Updates hourly and refreshes based on the current hour. Useful for planning or goal setting.

Coding quiz application

Coding Quiz project

A timed quiz that saves highscores based on the performance of the individual. The highscores can be viewed and are saved using browser local storage.

Eat the burgers app!

Using Heroku to host a burger eating app, using MySQL knowledge to persist that data. Eat the burger app is a fun demonstration of CRUD functionality, ORM concepts and app hosting.

Note Taker app

Using Heroku to host a note taking app. Persisted note data is a pseduo-database as this was created before a full understanding of MySQL. Uses UUIDs to store unique notes, storing or deleting data based on user input.